Divorce Articles

Overall advice

How to get a divorce without a lawyer
Divorce can be expensive due in large part to lawyer's fees. Many spouses wonder whether they can divorce without a lawyer. Find out how.

Uncontested divorce
Divorce doesn't have to be contentious. Most spouses reach an agreement and turn it in to the court to get an uncontested divorce.

Contested divorce
When spouses disagree on the terms to end their marriage, they have a contested divorce. A contested divorce can be costly in many ways. Do your research.

LGBT divorce, alimony, custody & more (LGBT family law)
Gay and trans people need to understand the legal landscape. Learn about issues you may face as an LGBT person in your divorce or child custody case.

Divorce coaches: What they do & how much they cost
A divorce coach may be helpful if you are divorcing or contemplating divorce. Find out what they do, what to ask them and more

Holidays and divorce | Holidays for divorced parents
After divorce, holidays may lose their appeal. However, you can still enjoy festivities alone or with your kids. This advice will get you through holidays.

Vacation during or after divorce: Restrictions and advice
Vacation during or after divorce requires careful consideration — especially if you have children. Read on before planning your next vacation.

Divorce settlements

How to write a divorce settlement agreement
Your divorce settlement agreement is one of the most important documents you'll create in your lifetime. Here's what you need to know to start on one.

Divorce stipulation agreements
Make sure your divorce stipulation agreement is clear and free of loopholes. Here's how. Plus, common stipulations in a divorce settlement.

Amicable divorce | How to divorce amicably (with checklist)
Amicable divorce allows spouses to end their marriage without waging a legal battle. Find out how to make your divorce as painless as possible.

Divorce mediation
Mediation is recommended or required in most divorces. Here's a checklist to help you prepare, info on how divorce mediation works, and more.

How to get a skeptical spouse to the mediation table
If your spouse isn't so sure about divorce mediation, you can convince them to give it a try with these suggestions.

Qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) in divorce
If you're thinking about splitting a 401(k), consider a QDRO. Learn about tax consequences, the approval process, timeline and costs.

Divorce process

The divorce process step-by-step
If you want to end your marriage, you must go through the divorce process. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare accordingly.

How to prepare for divorce | Divorce preparation checklists
Divorce is a complex, stressful process. Preparation is vital, but where do you begin? These checklists can put you on the right track.

Divorce forms & divorce kits: Do-it-yourself guidance
A list of all the basic forms you'll need to start a divorce case. Free parenting plan template.

Does it matter who files for divorce first?
Can filing for divorce first help your case? Find out the advantages and disadvantages so you know what will work best for you.

How long does a divorce take? Uncontested & contested
The length of the divorce process can be daunting. Find out how long it takes to divorce and what you can do to get a quick divorce.

Divorce arbitration: What it is, what it costs and more
Arbitration may be an option for your divorce if you can't agree on terms and want to avoid trial. Learn how it compares to mediation and more.

Divorcing with kids

Divorce and child custody: Deciding 2 topics in 1 case
Divorce and child custody are two of the most hotly contested family law matters. Typically, they're handled together. Know what separates them.

How to separate with kids — and how to stay strong
Separation can take a big toll on children and be equally hard on the parents. Tips for telling the kids, working with your ex and more.

Negative & positive effects of divorce on children
Divorce effects every child differently. Find out how your divorce could impact your child and what you can do to help them cope.

5 tips for parents when divorce is inevitable
Does it look like you and your spouse are destined for divorce? If you have children, you'll want to read the tips provided by top family lawyers.

12 considerations for divorce with kids
Divorcing parents need to protect their children from the brunt of the breakup. Here are 12 considerations you don't want to overlook.

The worst age for divorce for children
Divorce affects every child differently. Is there an age when it is particularly tough for the child? A look at children's typical reactions by age.

How to help a child deal with divorce
Divorce can take a big toll on children. They'll need your help to cope with the changes that come along with it. Find out how you can support your child.

Special circumstances in divorce

Birdnesting divorce: Co-parenting in the same house
Birdnesting tasks parents with moving in and out of one home instead of the children traveling between two. Could you live under the same roof as your ex?

Autism and divorce
If a parent or child is autistic, there may be special issues to consider during divorce. Prepare for the court process and make a parenting time schedule.

ADHD and divorce: Rates, custody arrangements and more
Parents and children with ADHD may see their symptoms intensified by the stress of divorce. Learn how ADHD may impact divorce, parenting and divorce rates.

Divorcing a narcissist & getting child custody
The strategies and tools you need when divorcing a narcissist and going to court for child custody. Communication tips, the evidence you need and more.

Getting a divorce while pregnant | What states allow it
Your divorce will eventually come through. But if you're pregnant, it may take longer. Paternity may be an issue. Prepare for your divorce process.

Default divorce & winning custody by default: Timeline, etc.
When a divorce petition goes unanswered, the court may grant a default divorce. Find out how defaults are established and overturned.

Legal separation

What is a legal separation? | Legal separation vs divorce
Legal separation gives you most of the benefits of the divorce without dissolving your marriage. Find out whether it will work for you.

How to get legally separated | How to file and more
Separation lets you live separate and apart from your spouse without divorcing. Find out how to get legally separated to decide whether it's right for you.

Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

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2. Co-parent civilly

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3. Get accurate calculations

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4. Succeed by negotiating

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6. Save on legal fees

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