Custody X Change Testimonials & Success Stories

The parenting plan was a nice guide and helped me to be thorough. I was able to use it to provide the lawyer with an easy-to-read list of the things my future ex and I were able to agree on. It was an excellent head-start to be sure! If only SHE were as simple to deal with as the software has been thus far. :-)"
Greg Rasmussen, Dayton, OH

It can be tailored made to fit your unique schedule with holidays and vacations, plus it breaks the time share down so you can come up with a true shared parenting schedule. It helped me so much and I was pro se against a family law specialist, the judge adopted my plan that I came up with using custody exchange. Thank you so much it was invaluable."
Stacie Staples, Arroyo Grande, CA

Prior to purchasing your program, I tested three others. I even went so far as to purchase one of them and attempt to use it to create my plan. After fighting with its cumbersome and limiting interface for hours, I abandoned my attempts to use it and purchased Custody X Change. With your product I was able to create my plan in a fraction of the time with far less frustration.
"In addition to being able to print out calendars, the program has the ability to generate reports which provide clear descriptions of the plan's structure. Whether, it's communications with the X, the courts, or legal counsel, these reports will come in handy.
"Custody X Change exceeded my expectations and I would recommend it to parents and legal professionals who have a need to create and manage custody schedules."
Steven Nelson, Sacramento, CA

Using the custody exchange really gives me a clear view of the current custody and holiday schedule and possible future scenarios. I use it frequently and would recommend it to anyone with keeping track of today's ever changing custody schedules."
Marce Evans, Harrisburg, PA

"Custody X Change made life much easier. Every year I sat down and cut and pasted a calendar together then made copy for my ex then the debate would start. For the past 3 years I just put in a little fine tuning for the year then print her a copy. No open debate for 3 years. Thank you."
Bob Prince, Anchorage, AK

Thank you for writing Custody X Change. I'm a stay-at-home mom representing myself while my husband has hired a lawyer, and I have been stressing over him trying to pay as little as possible for child support. Your software has been more helpful than you will ever know."
Gena McLellan, Rio Rancho, NM

The calendar feature was a powerful visual tool to come up with three possible visitation schedules to present to the judge. Judges reward parents who show flexibility or willingness to create a schedule in the children's best interest. I was able to use parenting plan decree template to cut and paste and design a decree which will be a bargaining tool."
Tom Ferguson, Waterbury, CT

I am currently going thru a custody battle. In searching the internet for 100's of hours I finally found this site. It has saved several hours of pushing a pencil and rearranging days back and forth. The best part is that it figures out the hours and percentage of time with each parent each month. The reports are very clear on who has the child, even including the times. I do believe when I show it at mediation it will leave everyone in a happy place. Well worth the money, do it yourself and hand it to your attorney."
Ruth Ballard, Standish, ME

People may cringe at the initial cost, but the billing cost from a lawyer to prepare the documents would exceed the cost of the program and would be inferior to what you have developed. Parents who want more time with their kids need this and it will save them money in the long run!! It is a truly valuable tool!!"
Russell King, Jacksonville, FL

"I used Custody X Change extensively during renegotiations for Summer and Holiday visitation. The software was very easy to use and manage which also provided useful information calculated from the agreed schedule. The software also spared us from having to do the tedious task of counting days on a calendar. I would recommend this product to any parent who has to establish a custody schedule with another parent. The interface is simple, yet thorough."
Chimena Taylor, San Diego, CA
Legal Professionals:

I use Custody X Change in domestic relations mediations. It saves a lot of time, and allows me to model the various suggested parenting plans as the final agreement evolves. Both the written parenting schedule and the graphic display do not allow for any gaps in the plan and greatly reduces any misunderstanding between the parties. Several judges and attorneys have commented on the clarity and precision of the final plan."
Charles Meers,

My client actually downloaded this and I can't even begin to tell you, we have lost on everything until we brought this in. With the software, we got everything we wanted in court. They were just completely shell-shocked because it was presented so well visually. I am completely and totally sold on it."
Ana Marcyan, Attorney in Lake Forest, IL

I was actually very excited to find Custody X Change, because doing calculations the old manual way was a nightmare. One change in the schedule meant redoing everything by hand. Now it happens automatically. I recommend it to anyone looking to streamline their process of creating parenting agreements."
Gregory Powell, Mediator in Tacoma, WA

I have used the Custody X Change software in some complicated custody cases and have found it a very useful tool. Many people are very visual and the ability to lay out custody schedules years in advance has been helpful. I have found the software very easy to use and would highly recommend it to other family law practitioners."
Meredith W. Ditchen-Oakley,

I think the software is very useful and demonstrative for both clients and the Courts. I believe I've puzzled some of the Family Court judges when they see the hourly and daily breakdown of parenting time as agreed upon by the parties. Particularly in the state of West Virginia where overnights affect the child support calculations, the software instantaneously calculates the allocation of time between parties without having to physically count days on a calendar. You simply sit down with your client, tweak it as needed and Custody X Change will do all the work. The end product is a literal description of the parenting plan, a pictorial calendar of the parenting, and it is even capable of downloading the parenting plan to a smart phone and keeping track of the actual days. GREAT program for family law practitioners."