Custody Advice
Where to begin:
Child custody advice
Common custody terms, getting started on a parenting agreement and where to turn for more information.
Child custody and visitation guidelines
These guidelines can help you through your custody case.
Child custody rules
Play by the custody rules, and you're likely to get the time you want with your children.
Child custody: What to know before starting a case
We make the fundamentals of child custody easy to understand. How to get custody, file court papers, manage your case and more.
How to find out who has custody of a child
Here's how separating parents can learn who will have custody, and how schools, relatives and others can find out who already has custody.
LGBT family law: Finding a lawyer or mediator
When you seek legal help in your LGBT divorce or custody case, be open with the professional who represents you so they can advocate for you.
Child custody information and resources
With so many decisions to make, you need access to the best child custody information.
15 child custody questions and answers | Must-know info
15 questions and answers regarding child custody cases. Covers parental rights, child support, false accusations and more with links to detailed articles.
How long do custody cases take?
It takes time to get a custody order, but how long? Find out factors that could make your custody case longer or shorter.
Choosing a parenting arrangement:
Co-parenting involves working with your ex to raise your child.
How to co-parent: 3 types of co-parenting with examples
Co-parenting can look different depending on your relationship with the other parent. Find out how to co-parent effectively for your situation.
Parallel parenting
Parallel parenting lets both parents be involved in their child's life but interact with each other minimally.
Single parenting
Single parenting puts one parent in charge of providing all or the vast majority of their child's care.
This is an arrangement to avoid. Counterparents try to sabotage you at the expense of the child you share.
Platonic parenting
Platonic parenting allows single people to raise children in an intact family.
Building a case:
How to win child custody
Winning child custody means getting final orders for the custody arrangement that serves your child's best interests. Here's how to make it happen.
How to represent yourself in family court: Child custody
What you need to know before you represent yourself in a child custody case. Tips about evidence, the court process and tools to use.
Questions to ask in a custody case
When you and your spouse separate, you need to ask the right questions during the custody process. Here are questions you shouldn't forget.
Getting the best child custody order
Your custody order should give you ample time with your children. When you petition for a child custody order, use software to get much more visitation time.
Don't use these 8 dirty tricks to win child custody
If you're motivated to parent and prepared for court, you'll likely be awarded substantial parenting time. You don't need dirty tricks.
Travel and moving:
Can a parent take a child out of state without consent?
Traveling or moving out of state is often a point of contention for parents. Find out whether you need consent before you take your child out of state.
Can I move out of state with my child? How far can I move?
Moving out of state changes how you co-parent. So how far can you move? Do you need permission? Know before you relocate with your child.
Reasons a judge will deny relocation — or approve it
When you want to relocate with your child, you'll want to show the judge there's good reason for your move. Learn why a judge may deny or approve relocation.
Do both parents have to consent to vaccinations? It depends.
Pediatricians schedule and administer vaccines routinely. Learn what to do if you or the other parent doesn't want the child to receive them.
Co-parenting relationships:
List of co-parenting boundaries | Co-parenting rules
Set co-parenting boundaries so that you may successfully co-parent after separation.
Co-parenting boundaries while in a new relationship
When you're a co-parent, bringing a new partner into the fold can be tricky. Set boundaries to ease tension and preserve your co-parenting partnership.
How to de-escalate tension between you and your ex
Your divorce is not the end of your relationship when you have kids. When you co-parent, you must keep in contact in one way or another with your children's other parent.
Should co-parents spend time together? Time as a family
When your relationship ends, you may try to spend time together for your child's sake. Here's what you should consider before planning family time.
What to do when co-parenting doesn't work: Solutions
5 ways to make co-parenting work, and how to make a parenting plan that can help. Plus, what to do if you decide you don't want to co-parent.
Co-parenting with your ex and their new partner (or yours)
New partners can complicate co-parenting. Explore options for involving new partners in your child's life and what to do if they overstep boundaries.
Noncustodial parent claiming a child on taxes
In the United States, one parent may claim the child on taxes. This lasts at least through the year the child turns 18, or longer if they attend college.
Who claims the child on US taxes with 50/50 custody
You should know who can claim your child on taxes when you have joint custody. If you can't agree, the IRS will decide for you. Find out how.
IRS Form 8332: Questions, answers, instructions
When parents are divorced or separated, only one claims the child on taxes. Agree on whom it is. To change it, the custodial parent fills out this form.
Advice for other situations:
Child custody when there's no court order
Find out how marital status determines who has custodial rights when there isn't a custody order.
The right to know where your child is during visitation
Do you have the right to know where your child is when they visit the other parent? Find out how you can guarantee you do.
7 ways to lose custody of your child: Moms and dads
A mother or a father can lose custody if they abuse, neglect or otherwise endanger their child. Learn about the seven ways either parent can lose custody.
Custody & school: Common issues (enrollment, attendance)
Parents must ensure that their children attend school. Learn about selecting a school district, homeschooling, repercussions for truancy, and more.
What co-parents should not do | What to avoid as a co-parent
You may know what you should do as a co-parent, but do you know what not to do? Avoid these behaviors for the sakes of your child and your case.
Full guides:
Mindful co-parenting guide: Helping children cope with divorce
If you are currently undergoing – or anticipating – a divorce or separation and feel worried about the welfare of your children, this guide will help.
Financial planning ultimate guide: Helping single parents with divorce
Divorce can have a devastating impact on your bank account, especially with children involved. This guide will help you navigate the divorce process effectively so that you can still adequately support yourself and your children.
Co-parent communication guide | Parenting communication apps
Communication is key to co-parenting. Parenting communication apps give you a singular space to talk about parenting and keeps a record of what you say.