Visitation Schedules for Newborns

A custody and visitation schedule details when each parent gets to spend time with their child. Schedules for newborns require special accommodations so they don't hinder the baby's healthy development.

You can create a schedule on your own, with the other parent or with a legal professional.

Every child has different needs, and every parenting situation is unique. If possible, parents should work together to create a schedule that prioritizes their baby's needs and works for their schedules.

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Benefits of working with the other parent

Whether you're able to set your differences aside and work something out with your ex will have a profound effect on your visitation schedule.

If you agree on a schedule, the court will approve it, as long as it's in the best interest of your child. Courts understand that the chances of a schedule succeeding are greater when both parents have input. Negotiating a schedule also gives parents practice in compromise, a vital skill they'll need for their co-parenting journey.

The court will make a schedule for you if you're unable to come to an agreement. What the court decides will be out of your control and may not be ideal for you, though you can give the judge suggestions.

Visits for the noncustodial parent

Newborns are at a precarious time in their lives. It's recommended newborns spend time with both parents if it's safe, so that they develop healthy emotional bonds that will benefit their development.

A visitation schedule for newborns is most effective when it allows the noncustodial parent to have frequent, short visits. A few short visits per week will provide your child with a better opportunity to bond with the other parent than an eight-hour visit once a week. You can extend the visits as the baby grows.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

It's recommended that visits occur in the primary caretaker's home early on in the baby's life. This is so the baby remains in a familiar environment and can keep their regular routine of eating, changing and napping. Eventually, you can move visits to the noncustodial parent's home once the baby seems comfortable.

Overnight visits

A judge is unlikely to give the noncustodial parent overnight visits in a newborn schedule they assign since overnights can disrupt a baby's feeding and sleep schedule.

If you agree on a schedule, you can include overnight visits for the noncustodial parent. However, you must make sure the parent sticks to the baby's normal routine.

Maximizing parenting time

To maximize the amount of time each parent spends with the newborn, some parents rearrange their work schedules.

You might coordinate your work schedules so one parent has custody of the child while the other parent is at work. This gives each parent time to perform caretaking duties for the baby, and it may eliminate the need to pay for child care.

The easiest way to make a visitation schedule for newborns

Creating a schedule on your own can feel overwhelming. You have to be sure to use airtight legal language and can't omit any required information.

The Custody X Change app takes the guesswork out of the equation by helping you build a schedule piece by piece.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

As a result, you get a written schedule and a visual calendar. They meet your family's needs, as well as the court's standards.

For quick, reliable and affordable help making a visitation schedule, turn to Custody X Change.

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Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

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2. Co-parent civilly

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3. Get accurate calculations

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4. Succeed by negotiating

Our detailed visuals and plans make it easier to reach consensus.

5. Never miss an event

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6. Save on legal fees

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