50/50 Shared Parenting: 2-2-3 & Alt. Weeks Variations
Parents who want equal time with their children should try a shared parenting arrangement. Shared parenting is another word for joint custody or co-parenting. Here are some custody schedules that work with shared parenting.
The easiest way to make a shared parenting schedule
Creating a schedule can be overwhelming. You have to use airtight legal language and can't omit any required information.
The Custody X Change app takes the guesswork out of the equation by helping you build a schedule piece by piece.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
As a result, you get a written schedule and a visual calendar. They meet your family's needs, as well as the court's standards.
For quick, reliable and affordable help making a custody schedule, turn to Custody X Change.
2-2-3 custody schedule
With the 2-2-3 custody schedule, one parent has the children for two days, the other parent has the children for the next two days, and then the kids go back to the parent for a three day weekend. It ends up working out that each parent has two days with the children during the week and the parents alternate with a long weekend. Here is a calendar view to make it more clear.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
You can see with this schedule that the parents have an equal amount of time with the children. It is a two week rotating schedule and it is usually a good arrangement if parents want to alternate weekends. There is more switching back and forth than a 3-4-4-3 or a 2-2-5-5 custody schedule. If the parents live close by and the children do all right with the changes, then this arrangement may work very well for you.
Variations on the alternating weeks schedule
Alternating weeks of custody is the simplest shared parenting schedule. However, the drawback of this schedule is that a parent doesn't see the children for an entire week. To make this work, many parents take the basic alternating week schedule and add some variations to it. A common thing to do is to add an evening visit during the week with the other parent.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
You can see that the visit allows the other parent some time during the week with the other parent so it isn't too long. You could also make this an overnight visit if you wanted.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
This could also be labeled a 4-1-2 rotating schedule. You don't really see that as a common term though — it's easier to just think of it as alternating weeks of custody with an overnight visit.