Convincing Family Law Clients To Use a Co-Parenting App
One of the best pieces of advice to give clients in custody cases is to use a co-parenting app. Apps help facilitate co-parenting relationships at all conflict levels.
The best time to introduce the idea of a co-parenting app is early in your work with a client. Present at least a couple of apps so your client knows their options. These apps usually have free or trial versions, and many will send pamphlets for your office.
For clients who worry their co-parent won't agree to use an app, you can focus on apps that work well for just one parent. Also keep in mind that if one parent subscribes, the other might get access to certain features without subscribing. In a contested case, you could ask the judge to require the parents to use an app.
If your client is still hesitant to try a co-parenting app, highlight the following benefits.
How co-parenting apps can benefit your client
Clear-cut schedules
Written schedules are often difficult for parents to decipher. Color-coded calendars offered by the likes of Custody X Change and AppClose make it easy for parents to see when a parent has time with their child.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
Both apps allow parents to add events to the calendar (e.g., parent-teacher conferences). Custody X Change makes adding holidays easy with templates based on the child's age.
Cost savings
Legal costs overburden many parents. Co-parenting apps help parents manage certain things on their own, saving them money and saving you time to dedicate to your other clients. For example, the client may be able to make a parenting plan draft.
Co-parenting often involves "he said/she said" arguments that lead nowhere.
The check-in feature from Our Family Wizard lets parents inform one another when they arrive at exchange locations and other places.
Talking Parents allows parents to call one another without sharing phone numbers. It also records audio of the calls.
In Custody X Change, parents can track deviations from the set schedule. The actual parenting time tracker shows how much time they've really gotten with their child.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
Easy access to the child's information
Many co-parenting apps allow parents to store their child's information so they have it on hand when needed. This may include vaccines, clothing sizes and more.
If both parents use the app, they can share information without having to pick up the phone. This cuts down on conflict, keeping the case simpler.
Documentation for court
Co-parenting apps store important custody documentation, like journals and records of written conversations.
Custody X Change has an expense tracker parents can use to log child-related expenses by category. The app automatically calculates how much parents spend and how much they owe each other.
You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.
Remote collaboration with legal professionals
Custody X Change for professionals allows you to link accounts with your client so you can collaborate on parenting plans and schedules, review client journal entries and more.
Connecting via a co-parenting app reassures your client that you are in tune with their co-parenting relationship, equipping you to best represent them.
Using the professional version of an app also happens to be the best way to show your clients the value of these modern tools and convince them to get started.