Parenting Plan Template for Babies: Things to Consider

Children of different age groups have different needs. As parents make a parenting plan after they divorce or separate, one of the first things to consider is the child's age.

Parents with babies (ages 0-18 months) can follow a standard parenting plan template for babies to addresses their child's issues and needs. As you make your plan, consider the following.

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Things to consider

Before you begin making your parenting plan, you need to assess your family situation. Looking realistically at your situation can help you make a plan that will work best for your child. Infants have unique needs, and you have the challenge of figuring out how you and the infant's other parent will meet those needs. To do that, you need to know where you are coming from. Some important things to consider are:

1. The temperament and age of the child. How well does your baby adapt to new circumstances? What special needs does your baby have? Is your baby breastfeeding?

2. The relationship of the child with siblings or extended family members. Does your baby see grandma and grandpa every day? Do you have older children who are part of the baby's life?

3. The role of each parent in giving care to the baby. Did each parent share the responsibility of caring for the baby? Did one parent do the majority of the caretaking?

4. The work schedules and lifestyle routines of each parent. Does one parent travel frequently? Do both parents have stable home environments?

5. The distance between the parents' homes, child-care centers, etc. Is it realistic to have frequent visitation exchanges?

6. How well the parents communicate. Will the mother and father be able to keep a daily log about the developments of the baby?

Once you've thought about these issues, you're ready to move on to the next part.

Parenting time schedule

Your parenting time schedule should address the following:

Feeding time

For infants and babies, you need to come up with a parenting time schedule that maintains a basic sleeping, feeding and waking routine.

If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, this definitely needs to be taken into account. That doesn't mean that the father won't have visits with the baby. Parents can agree to use formula along with breastfeeding, or the mother can send milk when the baby visits the father.

Maintaining frequent visits with the baby

Both parents should have frequent contact with the baby. In fact, the baby shouldn't be away from either parent for more than a few days. This will help the infant develop a strong relationship with both parents. A parenting plan for babies should include several visits each week with the parent who doesn't have custody. These visits should be long enough for the parent to give care to the child — feed the baby, put the baby down for a nap, change the baby's diaper, play with the baby, etc.

Length of separation between parent and baby

If one parent has not been very involved in giving care to the child, their visits should start shorter and increase as they feel more comfortable performing parenting tasks. If both parents have been involved in caring for the child, the baby can spend overnight visits with both parents.

Parenting plan provisions

In addition to the parenting time schedule, a parenting plan for infants should include provisions and stipulations that apply directly to the needs of the baby. These are two of the most essential:

Legal custody

The parents should decide how they will make decisions for the infant. This includes making decisions about medical care — e.g., immunizations, medications. The parents can decide to share this responsibility, or one parent can be given the responsibility. If the parents share the duty (which most states prefer), the parents should come up with a process for how they will make choices.

Resolving disputes

Parents can also think ahead about potential disagreements. Parenting plans should have provisions for resolving disputes, including ones about changes to the schedule. Perhaps parents will go to a mediator or a mutual friend when they can't agree.


For babies, parents must also discuss the necessary equipment that both households will have, and what equipment goes back and forth between the houses. Think about car seats, play pens, pacifiers, clothes and more.


Infants and babies develop substantially between the ages of 0 and 18 months. Because of this, it is vital that the parents share information about the development of the baby. The parents should keep a daily log about what goes on with the child. This log should include information about eating (including the introduction of new foods), sleeping habits and new skills the baby learns (rolling over, new words, walking, etc). This way both parents know what is going on.

The easiest way to make an infant parenting plan

Making a parenting plan to suit your baby's needs can be difficult. Since this is such a crucial time in your child's life, it's important you create a detailed plan that doesn't leave anything to chance.

The Custody X Change app takes the guesswork out of the equation. It walks you through each step of creating a parenting plan.

As a result, you get a document with airtight legal language that meets your family's needs, as well as the court's standards.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

For quick, reliable and affordable help making a parenting plan, turn to Custody X Change.

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