Co-Parenting on Easter Monday

Easter Monday — the day after Easter Sunday — is a bank holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (but not in Scotland).

In the three U.K. countries that observe Easter Monday, it marks the end of a four-day weekend. Schools close, shops and transport operate at reduced hours, and many people have a day off work.

If parents have taken a trip with the kids, this day is normally used to travel home. For others, it is another day off to spend quality time with the kids, family and friends.

Whether you travel or spend the day at home, you'll need to plan your children's schedule in advance. Get inspired by these popular options for co-parenting arrangements on Easter Monday.

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Popular Easter Monday schedules

Split the long Easter weekend

Easter Monday is part of Easter Weekend, so you might agree to split the entire long weekend evenly.

This is a good option for parents who commit to dividing holiday time evenly or who want to maintain a specific division of time. (You can use the Custody X Change parenting time calculator to see how holidays affect your timeshare.)

In this roughly equal division, one parent has the children from 09:00 Friday to 09:00 Sunday. Then, the children stay with the other parent until 09:00 Tuesday.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

Split the day

If you don't want to change your standard weekend schedule, you can split Easter Monday only. You could let the kids enjoy the first part of the bank holiday with one parent and the latter part with the other.

In this example, the kids are with Dad from 08:00 to 14:00 and with Mum from 14:00 to 20:00.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

You might handle Good Friday a similar way at the start of the long weekend.

Agree to an uneven split

Committing to shared parenting doesn't mean you need to split every holiday down the middle.

If you agree that one parent can have the children for most or all of Easter Monday, even it out in the long run by letting the other parent spend a different occasion with the kids.

The easiest way to make a holiday residence schedule

There's a lot to think about when you build a holiday schedule. You'll want it to address weekend and midweek holidays, reflect special occasions unique to your family (like birthdays) and work for years to come.

The Custody X Change app makes it easy. Just open your Custody X Change calendar and follow our steps to make a holiday schedule.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

To make a residence and contact schedule quickly and affordably, turn to Custody X Change. In no time, you'll have written and visual versions that include the holidays you care about.

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