
Xspouse & Custody X Change: More Accurate Calculations

Use Xspouse and Custody X Change together

Get the most accurate child support amounts when you combine Custody X Change with Xspouse.

When Xspouse asks you for timeshare percentages, don't rely on guesswork or estimates. Instead, use Custody X Change to calculate total parenting time numbers from any custody schedule.

Enter those numbers into the appropriate field in the Xspouse program for an accurate and fair child support amount based on California's guidelines.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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Benefits of Xspouse software

Using support calculation software can increase your efficiency and accuracy when it comes to family law calculations. Xspouse is used widely in the California court system and is certified by the California Judicial Council.

Xspouse quickly organizes all the data for the case, and presents multiple scenarios so you can evaluate the best course of action with your clients. The program's reports help you communicate better with your clients, because they help the client understand the data and the results.

Among the features of Xspouse software are:

  • Arrearage calculator: Helps you calculate interest on any back child support payments.
  • Findings and rebuttals report: Allows modifications to calculated child support amounts.
  • Timeshare worksheets: Provides standard and customized visitation scenarios.
  • Bonus income reports: Aids in calculating complex income scenarios for support amounts.
Free copies of Xspouse Professional are available for educational institutions, public law libraries, government agencies and California courts.

Xspouse calculates complex support formulas

Xspouse makes accurate calculations based on statewide uniform guidelines. Each state has uniform guidelines for child and spousal support amounts, and California guidelines are quite complex.

California child support is based on each parent's adjusted income, either annual or monthly, plus a timeshare percentage of when the child is cared for by the noncustodial parent. The formula for child support calculations is found in the California Family Code, section 4050.

Xspouse accepts all the raw data you enter into the information fields about parental income, deductions, allowances and more, plus the timeshare percentage figured from the parent's custody schedule. The program then calculates accurate support amounts using the complex family law formulas.

Once you receive the support amounts, you can print out basic reports for review. Xspouse can also help you create several legal forms for court, saving time and resources.

Xspouse can also help you become more efficient. Ease the burden of creating individual reports for each family law case with Xspouse. The software allows you to choose between standard forms and reports or customizing forms to print. The software takes the data you input, then lets you design your own reports and forms. Print the reports for yourself, for clients or for the court as needed.

Xspouse customers have access to a variety of customer service and help tools, including a help manual you can download. The Xspouse website also features several streaming video tutorials to help users with some of the frequently asked questions about the software. Some of the video tutorials expand on Xspouse's features in greater detail.

Xspouse requires parenting time percentages

Xspouse software requires a timeshare percentage for the noncustodial parent in order to figure out child support, based on the guidelines set by the state of California.

Parenting time percentages is the total hours each parent spends with their children, then converted to a percentage. To figure out a correct timeshare percentage for California, you must calculate the amount of time the nonresidential parent spends with the children.

This information is combined with data concerning each parent's income and the parenting time credit applies to both sole and shared physical custody cases.

Xspouse lets you enter a percentage in order to calculate child support. The California guidelines allow for a variety of schedules with many different time factors. When clients choose a detailed visitation schedule, it becomes very difficult to calculate a precise timeshare percentage.

Custody X Change calculates parenting time totals

Custody X Change software includes a parenting time calculator that shows exactly how much time each parent has with the children. It can provide this data as total number of hours, days or as a percentage of time annually.

When users set up a parenting time schedule, the software automatically counts up all the full, half and quarter days for the nonresidential parent. This accurate parenting time total really helps you use Xspouse.

Use Custody X Change to get accurate parenting time totals, because:

  • Parenting time totals are difficult to figure out by hand, because attorneys must add all the quarter, half and full days within a year for the nonresidential parent.
  • Figuring parenting time totals adjust every time an attorney changes the schedule.
  • Calculating and re-calculating any change to the schedule is so complex, some attorneys are forced to estimate or guess.
  • Entering parenting time totals calculated from a guess or estimate into the California child support formula means that child support amounts will likely be wrong.

Figuring out child support amounts requires exact numbers, from each parent's income to the amount of credits allowed. Another important number is the parenting time total, or how long each parent is scheduled to be with the children. Correct numbers mean the child support amount is fair and accurate, and Custody X Change delivers accurate totals every time.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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Factors to consider

Parenting plans:

Making a parenting plan

Changing your plan

Interstate, long distance

Temporary plans

Guides by location:

Parenting plans

Scheduling guidelines

Child support calculators

Age guidelines:

Birth to 18 months

18 months to 3 years

3 to 5 years

5 to 13 years

13 to 18 years


Joint physical custody

Sole physical custody

Joint legal custody

Sole legal custody

Product features:

Software overview

Printable calendars

Parenting plan templates

Journal what happens

Expense sharing

Parenting time tracking

Calculate time & overnights

Ways to use:

Succeed by negotiating

Prepare for mediation

Get ready for court

Join the 60,000+ other parents who have used our co-parenting tools

Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time. Print organized, professional documents.

Co-parent civilly

Our parent-to-parent messaging system, which detects hostile language, lets you collaborate without the drama.

Get an accurate child support order

Child support is based on parenting time or overnights in most jurisdictions. Calculate time instead of estimating.

Succeed by negotiating

Explore options together with visual calendars and detailed parenting plans. Present alternatives and reach agreement.

Never forget an exchange or activity

Get push notifications and email reminders, sync with other calendar apps and share with the other parent.

Save up to $50,000 by avoiding court

Write your parenting agreement without lawyers. Our templates walk you through each step.

Make My Schedule & Plan

Bring calm to co-parenting. Agree on a schedule and plan. Be prepared with everything documented.

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