
VADER & Custody X Change: More Accurate Calculations

Use VADER ONLINE and Custody X Change together

Get the most accurate child support amounts when you combine Custody X Change with VADER ONLINE.

When VADER ONLINE asks you for overnights, don't rely on guesswork or estimates. Instead, use Custody X Change to calculate overnights from any custody schedule.

Enter those numbers into the appropriate field in the VADER program for an accurate and fair child support amount based on Virginia's guidelines.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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VADER ONLINE helps family law professionals

VADER helps family law professionals, such as judges, lawyers and mediators, in calculating child support amounts quickly and accurately. It stands for Virginia Attorney's Divorce Electronic Reference, and is a collection of child support worksheets with automatic calculation capabilities.

As a child support calculation tool, VADER can help you be more productive in processing divorce and custody cases. It also allows you to figure other family law calculations, such as equitable distribution and spousal support.

Simply enter the data from your case into VADER's easy-to-navigate data fields and let it calculate child support amounts. Rather that rely on your own calculations or another software program that may not be reliable, you can use VADER's features to save you time.

The software creates worksheets populated with the raw data you enter from your cases. Simply fill in the appropriate fields and allow the software to make the calculations right on the worksheet. Once you print the worksheets, you can present them to clients or to the court.

Features and benefits of VADER ONLINE

VADER is used by many professionals throughout the Virginia court system. It is designed to provide family law professionals with accurate child support calculations for a range of cases, from simple to complex.

Some reasons to use VADER software include:

  • Easy data entry
  • Multiple support worksheets
  • Help manual in PDF form
  • Most current Virginia child support guidelines and formulas
  • Compare different custody scenarios
  • Print worksheets

There are lots of worksheets within VADER, including samples that help you learn how to use the automatically calculating worksheets. You can also email for customer support or technical questions.

Your order allows you to use VADER on any device, such as your phone, tablet, Windows, or Mac computer. When you purchase you can choose how many users, and there are discounts starting at six users.

VADER was created by Sensei Enterprises, Inc., a development company specializing in digital forensics, information technology and information security. Sensei Enterprises, Inc. is based out of Fairfax, Virginia. You can order VADER from the company by downloading an order form from the website and mailing or faxing it in.

VADER ONLINE requires overnights

VADER software requires an overnight total for the noncustodial parent in order to figure out child support, based on the guidelines set by the state of Virginia.

Parenting time is the total overnight time each parent spends with their children. To figure out a correct parenting time totals for Virginia, you must calculate the amount of time each parent spends with the children.

VADER needs an overnight total in order to calculate child support. When clients set up a visitation schedule, it can be tedious and often difficult to calculate a precise overnight total.

This information is combined with data concerning each parent's income and the parenting time credit applies to only joint physical custody cases. Sole custody cases do not qualify for any kind of child credit based on overnights. VADER software asks you to enter overnights in order to calculate child support.

Custody X Change calculates overnights

Custody X Change software includes an overnight calculator that shows exactly how many overnights each parent has with the children.

When users set up a parenting time schedule, the software automatically counts up all the full, half and quarter days for the nonresidential parent. This accurate parenting time total really helps you get the most out of VADER.

Use Custody X Change to get accurate overnights, because:

  • Parenting time totals are difficult to figure out by hand, because lawyers must count each night for the nonresidential parent.
  • Figuring overnights adjust every time an attorney changes the schedule.
  • Calculating and re-calculating any change to the schedule is so complex, some lawyers are forced to estimate or guess.
  • Entering overnights calculated from a guess or estimate into the Virginia child support formula means that child support amounts will likely be wrong.

Figuring out child support amounts requires exact numbers, from each parent's income to the amount of credits allowed. Another important number is the overnight total, or how long each parent is scheduled to be with the children. Correct numbers mean the child support amount is fair and accurate, and Custody X Change delivers accurate totals every time.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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Explore examples of common schedules

Explore common schedules

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Third party schedules


Summer break

Parenting provisions


How to make a schedule

Factors to consider

Parenting plans:

Making a parenting plan

Changing your plan

Interstate, long distance

Temporary plans

Guides by location:

Parenting plans

Scheduling guidelines

Child support calculators

Age guidelines:

Birth to 18 months

18 months to 3 years

3 to 5 years

5 to 13 years

13 to 18 years


Joint physical custody

Sole physical custody

Joint legal custody

Sole legal custody

Product features:

Software overview

Printable calendars

Parenting plan templates

Journal what happens

Expense sharing

Parenting time tracking

Calculate time & overnights

Ways to use:

Succeed by negotiating

Prepare for mediation

Get ready for court

Join the 60,000+ other parents who have used our co-parenting tools

Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time. Print organized, professional documents.

Co-parent civilly

Our parent-to-parent messaging system, which detects hostile language, lets you collaborate without the drama.

Get an accurate child support order

Child support is based on parenting time or overnights in most jurisdictions. Calculate time instead of estimating.

Succeed by negotiating

Explore options together with visual calendars and detailed parenting plans. Present alternatives and reach agreement.

Never forget an exchange or activity

Get push notifications and email reminders, sync with other calendar apps and share with the other parent.

Save up to $50,000 by avoiding court

Write your parenting agreement without lawyers. Our templates walk you through each step.

Make My Schedule & Plan

Bring calm to co-parenting. Agree on a schedule and plan. Be prepared with everything documented.

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