Sasi-Calc & Custody X Change: More Accurate Calculations

Use Sasi-Calc and Custody X Change together

Get the most accurate child support amounts when you combine Custody X Change with Sasi-Calc.

When Sasi-Calc asks you for timeshare percentages, don't rely on guesswork or estimates. Instead, use Custody X Change to calculate total parenting time numbers from any custody schedule.

Enter those numbers into the appropriate field in the Sasi-Calc program for an accurate and fair child Sasi-Calc amount based on Maryland's guidelines.

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Helpful features found in Sasi-Calc software

Sasi-Calc was designed with helpful features to give family law professionals across the state the tools they need to get accurate child support amounts. The software provides you with accurate child support amounts because the formulas are based on the most current Maryland child support guidelines.

Some of the features that make Sasi-Calc such a useful tool for family law professionals include:

  • Enter data directly into worksheet fields
  • Send forms as email attachments
  • Provides multiple versions of cases for side-by-side comparisons
  • Quickly shift between different salary scenarios for automatic recalculations
  • Notices for possible data entry errors where information is missing or incomplete
  • Click between sole custody and shared custody options
  • Free technical support
  • Windows-based program that installs quickly
  • Once printed, reports and worksheets are ready for court

Sasi-Calc child support calculation software is used by many family law professionals as well as in some Maryland courts because it is reliable and current.

Sasi-Calc helps family law professionals become more efficient

Sasi-Calc can save you hours of calculating support amounts, because instead of doing your own calculations by hand, you'll get complete and accurate results.

The software is user-friendly, and merely requires you to enter the case data into the fields. Once you've filled in everything on the worksheet, the software will perform the calculations for you.

Avoid spending time filling out child support worksheets on your own or relying on outdated software. With Sasi-Calc, you can feel confident that the results will accurately reflect the latest formulas.

Some of the time-saving features of Sasi-Calc include:

  • Clear information fields that make data entry easier
  • Up-to-date formulas based on current Maryland guidelines
  • Automatic software updates anytime the child support guidelines change
  • Printable reports

Sasi-Calc software is available in two versions, one for home use and one for family law professionals. The program is intuitive and easy to use, and gives you a comprehensive calculation tool that delivers accurate child support amounts on even the most complex cases.

Sasi-Calc was developed by Support Analysis Software, Inc., a company based out of Rockville, Maryland. The company produced the software with input from family law lawyers and other legal professionals to ensure that it is an intuitive, comprehensive program.

The company has also developed Sasi-Alimony and Sasi-Time programs. Although many judges, lawyers and clerks use Sasi-Calc, the software is not affiliated with any state agency.

Sasi-Calc requires parenting time percentages

Sasi-Calc requires overnight totals for the noncustodial parent in order to figure out child Sasi-Calc, based on the guidelines set by the state of Maryland.

Parenting time percentages are derived from the amount of time each parent spends with their children. To figure out a correct parenting time percentage, you must calculate the amount of time the nonresidential parent spends with the children. When clients set up a visitation schedule, it becomes tedious and often difficult to calculate a precise parenting time total.

This information is combined with data concerning each parent's income and the parenting time credit applies to only joint physical custody cases where the noncustodial parent hosts the children for more than 35 percent of the time. Sole or shared custody cases do not qualify for any kind of child credit based on overnights. Sasi-Calc asks you to enter a percentage in order to calculate child support.

Custody X Change calculates parenting time totals

Custody X Change software includes a parenting time calculator that shows exactly how much time each parent has with the children.

When you set up a parenting time schedule, the software automatically counts up all the hours for the nonresidential parent. This accurate parenting time total gives you the precise data you need.

Use Custody X Change to get accurate parenting time totals, because:

  • Parenting time totals are difficult to figure out by hand, because lawyers must add all the quarter, half and full days within a year for the nonresidential parent.
  • Figuring parenting time totals adjust every time an attorney changes the schedule
  • Calculating and re-calculating any change to the schedule is so complex, some lawyers are forced to estimate or guess.
  • Entering parenting time totals calculated from a guess or estimate into the Maryland child support formula means that the amounts will likely be wrong.

Figuring out child support amounts requires exact numbers, from each parent's income to the amount of credits allowed. Another important number is the parenting time total, or how long each parent is scheduled to be with the children. Correct numbers mean the child support amount is fair and accurate, and Custody X Change delivers accurate totals every time.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time.

2. Co-parent civilly

Our private messaging system detects hostile language.

3. Get accurate calculations

No more estimating. Our automatic calculations remove the guesswork.

4. Succeed by negotiating

Our detailed visuals and plans make it easier to reach consensus.

5. Never miss an event

Get notifications and reminders for all exchanges and activities.

6. Save on legal fees

Our templates walk you through each step to reduce billable time.

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