DissoMaster & Custody X Change: More Accurate Calculations

Use DissoMaster and Custody X Change together

Get the most accurate child support amounts when you combine Custody X Change with DissoMaster.

When DissoMaster asks you for total parenting time, don't rely on guesswork or estimates.

Instead, use Custody X Change to calculate total parenting time numbers from any custody schedule.

Enter those numbers into the appropriate field in the DissoMaster program for an accurate and fair child support amount based on California's guidelines.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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DissoMaster calculates complex family law formulas

For more than 20 years, DissoMaster software has helped family law professionals with calculating complex formulas. Its goal is to reduce the time it takes for you to extract accurate numbers from the raw data of each case.

Once you enter the information from each case into the appropriate fields, DissoMaster organizes it and calculates appropriate amounts using the most up-to-date California formulas and guidelines.

DissoMaster gives you the ability to accurately calculate a range of data, including:

  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Asset division
  • Debt division
  • Arrearage

You can feel confident that DissoMaster software contains the latest state and federal formulas because the program is updated on an as-needed basis throughout the year. Whenever support or other calculations change, you'll receive software notification updates.

For example, if the California state legislature makes amendments to statues that affect the child support formula, you'll receive a CD-ROM with an updated version of the software. You also have the option to download updates from the website.

DissoMaster also works with its companion software programs called Executioner and Propertizer. Customers can purchase each program individually or the DissoMaster Suite, which contains all three programs on one CD-ROM.

The California Judicial Council approves DissoMaster support calculation software, and it is used extensively in courts throughout the state.

Benefits of the DissoMaster suite

DissoMaster strives to provide an easy-to-use software program that gives you reliable and accurate support calculations for family law cases, whether simple or complicated.

DissoMaster software makes certain tasks and calculations easier:

  • Figures child and spousal support
  • Calculates gross income to net income
  • Shows multiple settlement scenarios
  • Displays several cases at once

DissoMaster's companion software, Propertizer, makes calculations necessary to fairly and accurately divide marital assets and debts. It can assign property to one party alone or divide between two. The after-tax calculations are invaluable for family law cases and are updated with the latest guidelines.

Executioner software, another companion program, calculates arrears based on a series of requested and actual child support and spousal support payments. It figures late or missed payments, adds interest and penalties, and even provides reports and court documents based on the data.

DissoMaster software is reviewed each year by a firm of certified public accountants to ensure the formulas are accurate. This attention to detail helps keep DissoMaster as one of the premium support software programs in California.

DissoMaster also gives you free technical support, online training, phone coaching, annual updated CDs, and email notifications and alerts.

DissoMaster requires parenting time totals

DissoMaster software requires a timeshare percentage for the noncustodial parent in order to figure out child support, based on the guidelines set by the state of California.

Parenting time is the total time each parent spends with their children outside of school or day care. To figure out a correct timeshare percentage for California, you must calculate the amount of time the nonresidential parent spends with the children.

This information is combined with data concerning each parent's income and the parenting time credit applies to both sole and shared physical custody cases.

DissoMaster lets you enter a percentage in order to calculate child support. California guidelines allow for a variety of schedules with many different time factors. When clients choose a detailed visitation schedule, it becomes very difficult to calculate a precise timeshare percentage.

Custody X Change calculates parenting time totals

Custody X Change software includes a parenting time calculator that shows exactly how much time each parent has with the children.

When you set up a parenting time schedule, the software automatically counts up all the hours for the nonresidential parent. This accurate parenting time total gives you the precise data you need.

Use Custody X Change to get accurate parenting time totals, because:

  • Parenting time totals are difficult to figure out by hand, because attorneys must add all the quarter, half and full days within a year for the nonresidential parent.
  • Figuring parenting time totals adjust every time an attorney changes the schedule
  • Calculating and re-calculating any change to the schedule is so complex, some attorneys are forced to estimate or guess.
  • Entering parenting time totals calculated from a guess or estimate into the California child support formula means that child support amounts will likely be wrong.

Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.

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Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time.

2. Co-parent civilly

Our private messaging system detects hostile language.

3. Get accurate calculations

No more estimating. Our automatic calculations remove the guesswork.

4. Succeed by negotiating

Our detailed visuals and plans make it easier to reach consensus.

5. Never miss an event

Get notifications and reminders for all exchanges and activities.

6. Save on legal fees

Our templates walk you through each step to reduce billable time.

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The most trusted, all-in-one tool for more successful co-parenting.

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