Make FL-320 Simpler | Respond to Custody Requests Easily (CA)

California form FL-320 (standing for "family law 320") gives little space for you to contest the other parent's child custody and visitation requests. Attach a parenting plan to make a strong argument for the orders you believe are best for your children. You'll get to skip multiple other forms as a result.

What is FL-320?

FL-320 (also called Responsive Declaration to Request for Order) is the form used to respond to a request for orders made in form FL-300.

You must file FL-320 with the court and provide a copy to the other parent at least nine days before the hearing date listed on FL-300.

The FL-320 form is required if you want to have a say in the case's outcome. If you don't file the form, the petitioner can request a default judgment, likely giving them what they requested without your input.

Adding custody details to FL-320 quickly

Contest the other parent's requests effectively by attaching a detailed parenting plan to FL-320.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

The Custody X Change parenting plan template helps you create this document quickly. It lets you choose from popular parenting rules and guides you to build a complete custody schedule.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

Attach your completed Custody X Change parenting plan to form FL-320 to show the court your organized custody requests. To help the judge, write "Attachment to FL-320, paragraph 2c" at the top of your plan.

On the FL-320 form, in paragraph 2, check the boxes corresponding to what the petitioner checked on FL-300: "child custody," "visitation," or both. You cannot address anything that the petitioner did not.

Check box "c" and the topics you want to make your own requests about (custody, visitation or both). Then mark "but I consent to the following order" and write "See attached parenting plan" in the text box.

If your parenting plan does not veer from or add to the other parent's custody requests, mark box "a" as well. If it does not veer from or add to their visitation requests, mark box "b." (Don't check both "a" and "b" because you'd give up the right to request a parenting plan.)

Attaching a parenting plan means you can skip common attachments, like FL-311 and FL-341 forms. If you're worried that the other parent may abduct your child, you may still need FL-312.

Why attach a parenting plan

Creating a Custody X Change parenting plan helps you present a strong case and gives you access to many helpful features:

  • A digital custody calendar: Get notifications about upcoming exchanges and calculate your parenting time. Written and visual versions of the calendar appear in your plan.
  • Easy access to parenting plan details after your case: Whether you're at home or on the go, you'll always have access to your plan should any questions arise, like how you can communicate with your co-parent.
  • Hundreds of popular provisions: The plan template suggests parenting rules that you may not have thought to include.
  • Unlimited custom provisions: Add as many unique-to-your-family rules as you like.

Other tips for using FL-320

  • Use the FL-320 Information Sheet for guidance.
  • After you're served, seek legal advice to figure out the best course of action.
  • Carefully read the other parent's requests on form FL-300.
  • Only respond to the parent's requested orders. If you want to request a type of order they didn't ask for, you'll need to fill out, file and serve your own FL-300.
  • Make two copies of the FL-320 form and any attachments, including your parenting plan.
  • Ask someone other than yourself to serve copies of your paperwork to the other parent. File proof of service before the hearing date.
  • If you need more time to respond, reach out to the court. They may give you more time if you have a valid reason, like finding a lawyer.

Making a parenting plan with Custody X Change

Custody X Change helps you make a thorough parenting plan quickly.

It walks you through common parenting rules you can include.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

And it helps you create a custody schedule, complete with holidays and school breaks.

You can customize this to fit your situation with Custody X Change.

With Custody X Change, you can also journal about updates in your situation, store your children's information, track expenses, and more.

Custody X Change makes co-parenting simple for California parents.

Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time.

2. Co-parent civilly

Our private messaging system detects hostile language.

3. Get accurate calculations

No more estimating. Our automatic calculations remove the guesswork.

4. Succeed by negotiating

Our detailed visuals and plans make it easier to reach consensus.

5. Never miss an event

Get notifications and reminders for all exchanges and activities.

6. Save on legal fees

Our templates walk you through each step to reduce billable time.

Make My Schedule & Plan