Guide to UK Child Arrangements Topics

Where to begin:

Child arrangements in the UK: Overview
Answers to your U.K. child arrangement questions. Do we have to go to court? What is shared parenting? Can I claim child benefit?

Parental responsibility and parental rights in the UK
Everything you need to know about parental responsibility. What it is, who has it, how to get it and why it is important.

Child maintenance: How to agree or use the formulas
Parents can agree on a maintenance amount, unless one asks the government to step in. Here's what many parents agree to and how the government calculates.

Staying out of court:

UK parenting plan guidelines: Making your custody agreement
Tips for making a U.K. parenting plan. Follow these guidelines to create a plan you and the other parent can use to avoid court.

Schedules for child residence and contact in the UK
How to decide on a custody schedule, what to include and how to write it. Plus, popular schedules for different divisions of parenting time.

Resolving child arrangement disputes out of court (ADR)
Deciding child arrangements, residence and contact out of court is highly encouraged in the U.K. Explore three options to save money and time.

Going to court:

Family court orders in the UK: 7 most common ones explained
Consent Orders, Child Arrangements Orders, Specific Issue Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and more explained.

England and Wales family court process: 7 steps to custody
How to get orders from Family Court in England and Wales. Includes required steps you may not know about: attending a mediation meeting, preparing a bundle, etc.

Family court process in Scotland: 5 steps to custody
The child arrangements process from start to finish in Scotland. How to apply for an order, prepare for hearings and proofs, etc.

Northern Ireland family court process: 5 steps to custody
The Northern Ireland process for Residence Orders and Contact Orders. How to apply and prepare for family cases.

Section 7 reports by Cafcass or other social services
To safeguard your child, the court may order a welfare investigation. The officer reports back to the court and recommends child arrangements.

McKenzie friends (court supporters):

McKenzie friends in family court
A McKenzie friend can help with your court case if you don't have a legal representative. Should you use one? If so, whom?

How to become a McKenzie friend
Becoming a McKenzie friend professionally or for someone you know. Training options, plus tips for new MFs.

Six reasons to use Custody X Change

1. Organize your evidence

Track your expenses, journal what happens, and record actual time.

2. Co-parent civilly

Our private messaging system detects hostile language.

3. Get accurate calculations

No more estimating. Our automatic calculations remove the guesswork.

4. Succeed by negotiating

Our detailed visuals and plans make it easier to reach consensus.

5. Never miss an event

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6. Save on legal fees

Our templates walk you through each step to reduce billable time.

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